WTB TORMENTED WEPS you wish you never owned
I want some crappy tormented weps for the h.o.m. Mods are worthless since I am going to customize and then put them in the trash can immediately. So pull the mods off unless you hate the mods too cuz they will end up in the trash can with the weapon. So if you ever bought xxxxxx torm wep and then thought: "WTF was I thinking ?????", well that is what I want.
Spear ~ got it (paid 20e)
Bow ~ paying 17e
Shield ~ got 2, will trade 1 shield (str or tac) for any 2 weps I dont have
Sword ~ paying 20e
Axe ~ paying 20e
Dagger ~ paying 17e
Focus ~ paying 15e
Staff ~ paying 15e
Wand ~ paying 15e
Hammer ~ paying 20e
Scythe ~ got it (paid 20e)